Hardware, software and networks


Crestron is a brand that allows portable digital devices (iPhone’s and iPad’s)  to remotely control other devices, IT-enabled appliances. Such as lights, TV, DVD player, security system and thermostat. Using their application, the user can experience a SmartHome by controlling most of it with their cellphones.

The links below mention and comment Crestron as one of the leading brands in the building of a SmartHome. Considering the prestige of The New York Times and Forbes as sources, I think that this brand would be reliable and valid for use.



Digital Policing

Every author or inventor is the exclusive owner of his work, invention or discovery, for the term granted by law” says article number 17 on the Argentine Constitution from 1853. This law was later adapted for patents and copyrights. With the rise of the internet, also rose the copyright violation of these laws. Users upload copyrighted videos, images and software. Digital Policing started because of this. In the article below SOPA(Stop Online Piracy Act) bill is explained. This bill tried to increase Digital Policing and combat copyright infringement. It tried to close website such as US’ PirateBay and Argentina’s Cuevana. Websites that exposed copyrighted information for users to download or stream.


I think this article is reliable because it is from CNN, one of the most viewed news channel in United States. Therefore, the authors they hire must be reliable in order to maintain their prestige.